Group Members

We are looking for new PhD students, Postdocs, and RA to join the team (see openings) !

Jump to Professors, Graduate Students, Full-time Research Assistant, Undergraduate Students, UROP, and Alumni.


Kok-Seng Wong

Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Soongsil University, South Korea
  • M.Sc., Information Technology, Malaysia University of Science and Technology (in collaboration with MIT)
  • B.Sc., Software Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia

Khoa Doan

Assistant Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Virginia Tech (VT), Virginia, USA
  • M.Sc., Computer Science, College Park, Maryland, USA
  • B.Sc., Computer Science with a Minor in Mathematics, Webster University, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

Graduate Students

Tuan Nguyen

PhD Student, VinUniversity, started January 2023

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Full-time Research Assistant

La Duc Chinh

Research Assistant

  • M.Eng in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, ANU, Australia
  • B.Eng in Control and Automation Engineering, HUST, Vietnam

Hoang Cao Duy

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • B.Sc., Computer Science, Vietnamese-German University

Nguyen Hung Quang

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Ngoc Hieu

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Tran Huu Thinh

Research Assistant

  • M.Sc., Data Science, VNU-HCM, University of Science, Vietnam
  • B.Sc., Mathematics and Computer Science, VNU-HCM, University of Science, Vietnam

Nguyen Minh Phuc

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc Data Science, VNU-HCM, UNiversity of Science, Vietnam

Undergraduate Students

Dao Duc Thinh

Research Assistant, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

Khuong Duy

UROP, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

Dinh The Minh

UROP, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity


Ho Duc Nhan

Research Assistant, now Eureka Robotic

  • M.Sc., Mathematics, Cryptology, Coding and Applications, Université de Limoges, France
  • B.Sc., Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Nguyen Minh Quan

Research Assistant, now M.Sc. Biomedical Computing at Department of Informatics, TU Munich

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • B.Eng., Biomedical/ Medical Electronics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tran Van Tuan

Research Assistant, now Ph.D. Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • B.Eng., Techcommunications Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vitnam

Nguyen Thuy Dung

Research Assistant, now Ph.D. Computer Science at Vanderbilt University

  • B.Sc., Global ICT, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Le Huy Khiem

Research Assistant, now Ph.D. Computer Science at University of Notre Dame

  • B.Sc., Mathematics and Computer Science, VNU-HCM University of Science

Vu Hong Phuc

Research Assistant, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

Luong Ha Tri Nhan

Research Assistant

  • B.Com.Sci (Hons), Advanced Computer Science, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Ho Tuan Long

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Hong-Son Nguyen

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

Jason Yang Sze Jue

Research Assistant

  • B.Sc., Computer Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nguyen Thai Hung

Research Assistant, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

Pham Phuoc Minh Quang

Research Assistant, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity

Le Chi Cuong

Research Assistant, Bachelor Student, College of Engineering and Computer Science, VinUniversity