Welcome to the Security and Artificial Intelligence Lab

Our research group is situated within VinUniversity’s College of Engineering and Computer Science. We specialize in the field of trustworthy AI, with a core focus on simplifying the development and deployment of machine learning models while ensuring their robustness. Our research encompasses low-complexity generative approaches, strengthening algorithmic robustness, and tackling critical challenges in machine learning and federated learning to enhance security, privacy, efficiency, and fairness.

We are looking for passionate new PhD students, Postdocs, and Master students to join the team (more info) !


July, 2024

Congrats, Nguyen Tran Huu Thinh (Lucaz) is now a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at VinUniversity, Vietnam!

June, 2024

Our member attended CVPR 2024. The paper titled Efficiently Assemble Normalization Layers and Regularization for Federated Domain Generalization was presented at the conference. The paper is available here.

June, 2024

Our Farm2Vet team has won the grand prize of The Trinity Challenge 2024, securing £1 million in funding for our virtual veterinary platform for farmers. You can access the project here.

May, 2024

New paper on arXiv! Exploring the Practicality of Federated Learning: A Survey Towards the Communication Perspective.

May, 2024

We attended ICLR 2024. Our paper titled Understanding the Robustness of Randomized Feature Defense Against Query-Based Adversarial Attacks was presented at the conference. The paper is available here.

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